Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT) is a coalition of diverse organizations from across Greater Victoria that work together to advocate for issues of common concern. Our Diocese of Islands and Inlets is a member organization of GVAT. Together, we are building a fairer, more sustainable Victoria region.
GVAT has worked on raising awareness about mental health and addictions, improving access to transit, safer cycling infrastructure, affordable and supportive housing, protecting old growth and food security in the region.
GVAT is currently engaging its member organizations and beyond in a Listening Campaign, with the goal of identifying the issues we need to work on together. Following the campaign, we will develop teams to research and initiate focused action on particular issues. Discerning the most important issues in our time and place is the critical first step. What are our most heartfelt anxieties? What keeps us up at night?
The format will be that of "table talks." Participants will have the opportunity to share stories about their most important concerns, with the focus not on church-issues per se, but rather our concerns about the communities and environment we live in.
This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together as Anglicans in Greater Victoria, to be the church, alongside others in our communities.
You are invited to join for about an hour at:
St. George's in Cadboro Bay
Tuesday, March 25 at 1:00pm
Please indicate your intention to attend by contacting Amanda in St. George's parish office: 250-472-2090;
We look forward to seeing you there!