As the pandemic prevented our families from gathering together for Messy Church, our Messy Church team decided to bring Messy Church to them! Once a month our leaders prepared and dropped off a themed craft bag, providing many hours of entertainment to our young families.
The bags had a biblical theme, and for several months were based on Dr. Bonnie Henry's words "Be kind, be calm, be safe".
Below is a list of itemds included in one of the bags:
January "Be Calm - Peace";
1. A reading: Jesus' Baptism.
2. An opening and closing prayer, and a grace to say before meals.
3. A Dove Wreath - A circle of cardboard, and sheets of holly leaves, butterflies and a dove, to be decorated and then cut out.
4. Peace Symbol - another precut cardboard shape, and balls of wool to be woven all around.
5. Balloon - calming ball. A balloon to be filled with flour through a funnel - all included.
6. Flower pot to decorate and then plant with soil and bulb.
7. A bird feeder made from recyclable cups and plates, including some birdseed.
8. Crossword/word search/picture to colour etc.,
Craft bags were put together by Verity and Brenda at the church, where they were then left to "quarantine" for four days before being delivered. Arrangements were also made to deliver bags to other families who were thought to be able to benefit from them.